Last updated on April 13th, 2015 at 04:58 am

Last month we moved from Taipei to Tainan. We were both sad and excited at the same time.
Why sad? For the first since our travel started, this apartment in Taipei felt like home.
Why excited? We were going to the oldest city on the island of Taiwan, Tainan.

This post is about what we learned about renting in Taipei.You may find my full review on Tripadvisor. I also wanted to thank again our hosts Howard and Sana who were very welcoming and kind to provide all the information and assistance when we needed. If you get lucky to stay there, you will not want to leave. Can’t wait to stay there again.


Some general tips about staying in Taipei.

The city is located north of the main island, which makes it more prone to rain and humidity. Make sure that the property that you rent has adequate heating/dryer/vent system. Clothes can be wet for days if hanged outside. It does not make much sense to pay for an apartment with a washer and then going to a laundromat. Though cheap, expenses quickly add up.


Bugs: It can be the most expensive and luxurious retreat but nobody is to guarantee that there is not going to be a trespasser from time to time. Make sure that your apartment is clean at all times and do not leave any food or leftovers outside. Do invest, just for a piece of mind, in a bug spray.


Safety: Taiwan is a safe country. In my opinion, it is a lot safer than Canada. Though Taipei is big, the only concern that we had were the scooters rushing at great speed. Therefore, if in some cities you ought to pay attention to where to stay, in Taipei any location is a safe bet. Its districts are self-sufficient communities that have everything you need at arm’s reach.


Location: Since Taipei is safe and clean, my only recommendation is to get an apartment off the main road and away from city center. Taipei is a 24-hour operating city so a stream of scooters and cars goes on into the wee hours. Your best bet is to stay somewhere quiet and preferably next to a park, if you can. Main point and goal is to find a property next to or very close to a metro/subway station. As long as you have access to a station, you can reach any destination fast.


Hope this helps to narrow down your search and answer any questions you had about staying in Taipei.

Stay tuned for my next Tainan city apartment review!


Always improving one's surroundings.

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