Every year Mr. K and I celebrate our chosen lifestyle: traveling around the world. On May 14, 2012, we went to our first country of choice – Argentina.  Three years have passed since and I still remember our anxiety, fears, and feeling of adventure like it was yesterday.

Until the day, we actually left very little people believed in our idea and dream. Six months in Argentina? Madness!

After two and a half months and three years later, some of them still have trouble understanding it. Every time we choose a different country and prepare for a new unknown destination, we are bombarded with disbelief either in voice or in thoughts.


I must say I like it because every time I get to prove to myself that I can and I should be doing this: traveling around the world. Each year I reflect and understand new things about me personally. I see how I changed again, what is it that I learned and how good of a picture taker I have become. 🙂

Here are five main things/facts that I learned this year:

  1. Kazakhstan is an awesome country and not scary at all. (A post is coming up!)
  2. While traveling with family, it is always important to have a buffer (the bigger the better).
  3. Blogging is freaking hard but I am managing it now better than before.
  4. Traveling is a side effect of our lifestyle.
  5. Cockroaches freaking BITE!A_Bug dilemma_

While we like to travel and see different places, we like to place ourselves outside our comfort zone more. That way we, Mr. K and I, challenge ourselves to be better as people, global citizens, and as individuals. We didn’t really have to travel to get that effect but we chose that option and so far it works. If you would like to know more about our travel style and how to’s, click on the images below.


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Another point that I wanted to make is that we wouldn’t be able to travel without work. Not from the finance but from productive point of view. Many people want to travel thinking that a new trip will somehow magically cure their boredom or frustration at/from work. A trip or multiple trips will not cure that. It is not about the job, boss, tasks, and coworkers, it’s about you being comfortable with your skill sets an ability to create value. No amount of travel was going to cure the hole inside that needs an output, a creative outburst, and most importantly a feeling of comfort with yourself.

I’ve learned so much from my mistakes…I’m thinking of making a few more.

What are your thought on travel? What do you think about when people go on traveling? Leave a comment down below! It would be so interesting to hear the other point of view. 🙂


Always improving one's surroundings.

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